LV: 26
HP: 0
DMG: 0
SPD: 0

Basic Stats


Resilient (Median)
DNA Source
- This creature does not spawn in the wild. Keep an eye on events.
This creature cannot be placed in sanctuaries.

Protective Advance
- Priority.
- Target: Fastest. Attack 1X (1350).Target: Self. Shield By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Increase Armor By 15.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s).

Bracing Taunt And Impact
- Target: Self. Taunt for 1 turn(s). Shield By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s). Increase Armor By 25.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s). Cleanse Reduced Damage. Heal 1X (1350).Target: Highest Damage. Attack 1.5X (2025).
- Cooldown: 1.

Nullifying Rampage
- Target: Most Positive Effects. Nullify All Positive Effects. Attack 2X (2700).
- Delay: 1. Cooldown: 2.

Ferocious Impact
- Target: Self. Increase Damage By 50.0% for 3 turn(s), 6 attack(s).Target: Highest HP. Attack 1.5X (2025).
- Cooldown: 3.

Medium Resilient Counter-Attack
- Target: Self. Cleanse Reduced Damage.Target: Attacker. Remove Cloak. Remove Dodge. Attack 0.5X (675). Impose Vulnerability By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 1 attack(s).

Swap In Laceration
- Target: Highest Damage. Break Shields.Target: Highest HP. Bypass Armor. Rend 40.0% of target's max HP.Target: Self. Unable To Swap for 2 turn(s).

Stunning Obstruction
- Target: Escapee. Unable To Swap for 2 turn(s). 100.0% chance to Stun for 1 turn(s). Attack 1X (1350).
Rarity | Unique |
Class | Resilient |
Size | Medium |
Release Version | v3.4 |
Animation Set | Stegosaurid |
Although the size of Giganspinoceratops dorsal crest may change throughout its life, its real distinguishing marks are its bony spines. Spines near the neck grow as the creature ages, and their size may represent status within the herd.
Evolution Cost
For Leveling Up: 1,120,000
Giganspinoceratops: 3,000
For Fusing: 137,000
Gigantspinosaurus: 27,400
Spinoceratops: 6,850
For Fusing: 62,400
Sinoceratops: 15,600
Spinosaurus Gen 2: 15,600
* Assuming an average of 22 DNA per fuse, and all ingredients are ready to fuse.