LV: 26
HP: 0
DMG: 0
SPD: 0
Hydra Boa

Basic Stats


Hydra Boa
Cunning (Median)
DNA Source
This creature cannot be placed in sanctuaries.

Instant Nullifying Strike
- Priority.
- Target: Most Positive Effects. Nullify All Positive Effects. Attack 1X (1450).

Slippery Alert
- Secure:
- Target: Self. Cleanse All Negative Effects. 50.0% chance to Dodge By 66.7% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Increase Crit Chance By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s).Target: Most Positive Effects. Affliction By 33.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).Target: Highest Damage. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).
- Cooldown: 2.
- Threatened: (HP 50% or less (2100))
- Priority.
- Target: Self. Cleanse All Negative Effects. 75.0% chance to Dodge By 66.7% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Increase Crit Chance By 75.0% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s).Target: Highest Damage. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).
- Cooldown: 2.

Precise Distracting Impact
- Target: Lowest HP. Bypass Dodge. Attack 1.5X (2175). Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s).
- Cooldown: 1.

Fabled Fangs
- Priority.
- Target: Highest Damage. Bypass Dodge. Attack 1.5X (2175). Damage Over Time 40.0% of target's max HP for 2 turn(s).
- Cooldown: 3.

Alert Deception
- Secure:
- Target: Self. Increase Damage By 15.0% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s).
- Threatened: (HP 50% or less (2100))
- Target: Self. Increase Damage By 25.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).

Constricting Rampage
- Target: Escapee. Attack 2X (2900).Target: Self. Cleanse Reduced Damage. Heal 1X (1450).
This gargantuan boa is named after the many-headed serpent slain by Heracles in Greek myth. The name was chosen by InGen scientists due to a special characteristic of the massive snake's scales. Unlike those of other species, the scales of the Hydra Boa's head and neck grow thicker and brighter each time the snake molts, as if the creature were growing a new head each time!
Evolution Cost
For Leveling Up: 720,000
Hydra Boa: 700