LV: 26
HP: 0
DMG: 0
SPD: 0
Thylos Intrepidus

Basic Stats


Thylos Intrepidus
Fierce (Median)
DNA Source
- This creature does not spawn in the wild. Keep an eye on events.
This creature cannot be placed in sanctuaries.

Minor Rending Lockdown
- Target: Lowest HP. Break Shields. Bypass Armor. Rend 34.0% of target's max HP. Unable To Swap for 1 turn(s). Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s).

Crushing Prowl
- Priority.
- Target: Self. Cleanse All Negative Effects. Increase Crit Chance By 75.0% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s). 75.0% chance to Dodge By 67.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s).Target: Team. Increase Damage By 50.0% for 4 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Cleanse Reduced Damage. Cleanse Crit Chance Reduction.
- Cooldown: 2.

Wounding Devour Rampage
- Target: Lowest HP. Break Shields. Bypass Armor. Attack 2X (2800).Target: Self. Devour Heal By 60.0% for 4 turn(s).Target: Lowest HP. Remove Taunt. Damage Over Time 20.0% of target's max HP for 2 turn(s).Target: Self. Cleanse Vulnerable.
- Delay: 1. Cooldown: 2.

Dual Rending Assault
- Target: Highest HP. Break Shields. Bypass Armor. Rend 40.0% of target's max HP. Bypass Armor. Rend 40.0% of target's max HP.
- Cooldown: 2.

Swap In Shattering Prowl
- Target: Lowest HP. Break Shields. Bypass Armor. Attack 1X (1400).Target: Self. Increase Crit Chance By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Increase Damage By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s). 75.0% chance to Dodge By 67.0% for this turn, 2 attack(s). Unable To Swap for 2 turn(s).

On Escape Reversal
- Target: Self. Heal 1X (1400).Target: Lowest HP. Bypass Armor. Attack 1X (1400).

- Max damage received is remaining HP of flock member nearest defeat. Exception: Group attacks.
Nicknamed 'the Tasmanian tiger of Jurassic World,' this unique superhybrid is one of Alive's few monotremes, or egg-laying mammals! It is believed this is a result of its fusion of mammal and reptile DNA.
Evolution Cost
For Leveling Up: 1,120,000
Thylos Intrepidus: 3,000
For Fusing: 137,000
Moros Intrepidus: 27,400
Thylacotator: 27,400
For Fusing: 124,600
Marsupial Lion: 62,300
Suchotator: 62,300
For Fusing: 56,640
Suchomimus: 141,600
Irritator Gen 2: 141,600
* Assuming an average of 22 DNA per fuse, and all ingredients are ready to fuse.